I've been working at the new job for over two months now. It's been good so far, but I'm learning that I really hate with a passion of a thousand suns, SCOM. Clunky son of a bitch! It works, but goodness gracious! If only Microsoft would make a product that wouldn't have a big ass learning curve, that would be great.
Now on to SCCM.... I'm pretty well versed in that product. At least that's what I like to think, but there is still so much more to learn. I thought I knew the in and outs of it, but with all the log files, inboxes, and the such, you never know where to look.
I'm going to be posting some good links and tips on both subjects in the upcoming weeks. I'm sure everyone that works with them could benefit with some laymen's terms and good ol' fashioned logic!